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5 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Doctor

for HealthyBytes

With limited time for patient visits and increasing lifestyle-related health issues, it’s crucial to make the most of every doctor’s appointment. Wondering how? Here are 5 questions you should ask your doctor before you walk out of the clinic…

1. “What is the medication exactly for?”
Never follow instructions without understanding the purpose of why you’ve been asked to take the prescribed medicines. When you know the reason for taking a specific medication, you’re more likely to adhere to your treatment plan.

2. “Are there any side effects?”
It’s important to inquire about the potential side effects of the prescribed medication before you start taking them. What might be suitable for someone may not be the same for you. Being aware of your treatment is crucial. It’s advisable to seek information from your doctor instead of relying on online sources that might cause unnecessary anxiety.

3. “What lifestyle changes can help improve my health condition?”
For certain health conditions, making simple lifestyle changes to your diet, exercise routine, sleep pattern and other habits like quitting smoking and alcohol is often beneficial rather than relying solely on medication or surgery. It’s good to ask your doctor about it even if s/he doesn’t mention it.

4. “Do I have any nutritional deficiencies?”
Most people experience inadequate levels of vitamin D and iron. Some of the most common symptoms are back pain, weakness, bone pain, muscle cramps and increased sweating to name a few. It’s best to proactively request testing for nutritional deficiencies from your doctor instead of waiting for symptoms.

5. “Can I stop taking the medication I am already on?”
It’s important that you tell your doctor about any medication you’re already on and be sure whether you need to stop or continue them along with the new treatment. Some medicines may not go well with each other, and it’s important for your doctor to have a complete understanding of it to ensure your safety and well-being.

5 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Doctor

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