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What Causes Kidney Stones And How To Prevent It

Have you ever experienced the discomfort of kidney stones? They are painful and can often disrupt your daily life. However, spotting the early signs, knowing what causes kidney stones and following simple dietary changes can be helpful for a few if not all, depending on the pain. If you or your loved one is suffering from kidney stones, we understand that this condition can be a real hassle, so here’s some help to guide you through it.

What Causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can form when specific components of the urine, such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid, are too concentrated. Such substances can crystallize and merge to form stones. They could be caused due to the following reasons…

  • Dehydration: Drinking insufficient water may cause concentrated urine, which raises the possibility of crystal formation.
  • Genetic predisposition: If you have a family history of kidney stones, they may be more likely to develop.
  • Diet: Consuming high amounts of oxalate and calcium-rich food or excessive amounts of salt and animal protein can also cause kidney stones.
  • Medical conditions: You also have a higher chance of developing this condition, if you’ve been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and urinary tract infections.

Early Signs of Kidney Stones

Recognizing the early signs of kidney stones can lead to timely diagnosis and treatment. Common symptoms include…

  • Severe pain: The hallmark of kidney stones is excruciating pain, typically concentrated in the back, side or lower abdomen. The pain can be intermittent or constant.
  • Hematuria: Also known as blood in the urine, hematuria can occur when kidney stones aggravate the urinary tract.
  • Increased urine frequency: Kidney stones can cause increased urination, discomfort or a burning feeling.
  • Cloudy or bad-smelling urine: If you notice a colour and odour change in the urine, it could be an indication of kidney stones.

Is Kidney Stone a Cause For Concern?

They can be extremely painful and uncomfortable, even though they are typically not life-threatening. However, issues may arise if stones restrict the urinary tract or lead to infections. You must get medical help if you experience severe discomfort or fever.

Is Beer Good For Kidney Stones?

You cannot rely on alcohol to avoid kidney stones, despite some anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Moderate beer consumption may help prevent kidney stones due to its diuretic impact. Instead, concentrate on adopting a balanced diet, drink adequate water and make lifestyle modifications as advised by the doctor.

How to Dissolve Kidney Stones?

This typically involves drinking plenty of water to flush them out naturally. However, in the case of larger kidney stones, medical procedures or medication is often needed to remove or break them down.

Foods To Help Prevent Kidney Stones

Changing your diet can help prevent kidney stones to a large extent. Here are a few tips to follow…

  • Increased water intake: Try to consume at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to reduce crystal formation.
  • Controlled consumption of sodium & animal protein: Limit your intake of salt and animal proteins to lower your chance of kidney stones.
  • Decreased oxalate and calcium intake: Avoid foods like spinach, rhubarb, sweet potatoes and dairy products that are high in oxalate and calcium.
  • Consumption of lemon Juice: Citrate, a component of lemon juice, has been associated in certain studies with stone prevention so it’s best to avoid it as much as possible.

Remember, proper nutrition, hydration and medical attention at the right time can help prevent and treat kidney stones. If you or a loved one is facing severe symptoms, don’t wait! Click below to consult with our specialist for kidney stone diagnosis and treatment without delaying it.
