The Truth About Fitness For Life

5,20,00,00,000 results in 0.61 seconds. That’s the number of articles you will find on Google when you search for fitness, and let’s not even get started with the slew of fitness apps available in the market.  When it comes to crushing those fitness goals, have you wondered why some of us are razor focused with […]

One Easy Hack For Daily Productivity At Work

The cozy pillow popping from her company swag kit was an absolute delight.  My friend sensed my curiosity and excitedly explained how her company promotes daily siestas, how they have comfy sleep pods, and how even the calendars of employees are blocked from 2 to 2.30 pm as the “hours of common silences”.  Today’s workforce […]

How To Make Sense of Your Dreams

I jumped off the plane for a 14000 feet dive. That very moment I jolted awake from the dream and took a few minutes to stabilize. Fast forward, next day, the Sigmund Freud in me decided to backtrack why I had this crazy dream considering I’m anything but an adventure junkie. However, I ended up […]

Weight Loss Begins In The Mind!

For weight loss to be permanent, you must also learn a new way to live, not just a new way to diet. Successful weight control depends solely upon you – not on a diet product, not on a workout program – but purely on you! As it turns out that the key to losing and […]

Coloring Is Just For Kids – Says Who?

Tired? Stressed? Feeling Over-burdened? Need to meditate? Try coloring! Art therapy is increasingly considered as one of the most effective forms of therapy, with colouring books giving you access to nourishment and replenishment for your mind without making much effort. Experts in all aspects of wellness – from medical researchers to yoga practitioners – even […]

The Physiology of Anger

What takes place inside your body when you lose your temper? In the wide spectrum of emotions we experience, anger features prominently amongst the lot. While we’ve all experienced this emotion, the degree in which we feel it and the way in which we handle it differ. Some of us might show physical signs such […]

Help Your Child Deal Better with Teasing

Teasing or being teased has always been an inevitable part of one’s childhood journey. In a milder form, it is often considered to be a form of playful social exchange and can help promote acceptance and humility. It also helps children adapt to constructive criticism. However, not all teasing is friendly, and it can often […]