Warning Signs & Symptoms of Diabetes You Must Know
According to key findings from the 9th edition of IDF Diabetes Atlas (an authoritative source of evidence that provides detailed information on the state of diabetes in the world), over 80 million Indians are already affected, and a staggering 135 million will be by 2045. Did you know one in 11 Indians is already battling […]
Have A Healthy Vacation
Does your diet go on a vacation too when you’re traveling? Traveling can often pose challenges to those on a diet. A vacation is usually considered as an excuse to go off-track from your diet by indulging in over-sized meals or foods with high fat or leaving the exercise in a corner. But, if you […]
How To Deal With Obesity In Infants
Childhood or infant obesity is increasingly one of the complex health problems in children today. Some of the known causes of obesity in infants are actually similar to those that cause obesity to adults including personal behaviors such as dietary patterns, physical activity, medication use among others and the genetic ones. The society also contributes […]
Benefits Of Sleeping On Your Sides
“Looks like I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning”. There is truth to this expression, as research indicates that your sleep position affects the quality of rest and your overall health! Both the sides and back positions keep your spine supported and balanced, relieve pressure on the spinal tissues, and […]
Why You Don’t Need Vitamin B12 Supplement
Why you should care about B12, the less famous cousin of the vitamin family. B12 builds your DNA, pumps red blood cells, and keeps the nervous system healthy. Besides making your skin and hair gorgeous, B12 reduces the risk of a heart attack and puts you in a happy mood by keeping depression at bay. […]
Is Your Skin Winter-Ready?
It’s that time of the year to pull out all your tucked-in winter clothes with mothballs from the attic! The cold days of winter can dry out the skin’s natural barrier, resulting in dryness and itchiness. When the air dries out, your ultimate protective layer’s moisture level drops, and in extreme cases, people experience severely […]
Choose Your Dinner And Midnight Snacks Wisely For A Good Sleep
It’s no secret that nutrition and sleep play a fundamental role in our health, but we often overlook the complex and important relationships between them. Diet and nutrition can influence the quality of your sleep, and certain foods and drinks can make it easier or harder to get the sleep you need. Sleep like a […]
Tips To Protect Yourself From Chlorinated Swimming Pool
Swimming is the most popular full-body workout for all wholesome reasons. You burn almost 40% more calories than running, and you put into action all the muscles of your body. But one common question that plagues the minds of veterans and newbies is, “how harmful is the chlorine water in the swimming pool”? Chlorine prevents […]
Feeling Good Begins In The Gut
56% of Indian families report digestive health problems (Healthvision). Understanding gut health mainly prepares you to differentiate heartburn from its popular cousin heart attack. The microorganisms living in the intestines are called Gut Microbiomes. We have about 200 different species of bacteria, viruses, and fungi in our digestive tracts. While some microorganisms are harmful to […]
A Type of Cough You Should Never Ignore
Of course, there are many different reasons you might develop a cough; however, in some cases, it can be a sign of a heart problem. Asthma vs. Cardiac cough Cardiac asthma is coughing or wheezing with congestive left heart failure, hypertension, or high blood pressure. This wheezing could be a medical emergency, depending on the […]