Do Multivitamin Tablets Make Us More Healthy?

So where were we? In our previous blog, we spoke about food supplements 101. Now onto a more important question, what it means for Indians? Are vitamin supplements good or bad? Thanks to plenty of articles doing the rounds about the harmful effects of vitamin overdosing? Let’s break it down into a few simple steps […]

How To Figure Out If You Need Food Supplements

92% of medical bills in India had Zincovit in June 2020. Remember, how in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sale of immunity supplements skyrocketed? Wondering if this was just a fad or are Indians continuing to consume vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS) more frequently?  Preventive health and holistic well-being are on top of […]

Scientific Tips For A Better Sleep

Sleep is like a cat, it only comes to you if you ignore it, says Gillian Flynn in Gone Girl. In reality, one can’t ignore the stats that 55% of Indian adults face trouble sleeping at least three nights a week. We all would love to dive into a good sleep right away leaving all […]

Be ‘Label’ Cautious

Are you reading the information on labels on your packaged foods correctly? We don’t think so…Food labels are often more convoluted than they appears to our busy minds, camouflaging essential information within it.  Look out for Serving size  Simply put, size matters. The nutrition table gives the quantum of nutrients PER SERVING. So the size […]

Why Fat-Free Diet Isn’t Trouble Free

Low-fat diets are the all-time fad, but are they truly healthy? Here’s what you need to know about going low-fat and why a fat-free diet for weight loss isn’t always trouble-free. What Happens When You Don’t Have Enough Fat In Your Diet? Healthy fats enable the body to absorb soluble fats and vital nutrients. By […]

Cycling Doesn’t Just Make You Healthier It Makes You Smarter Happier too!

Did you know there are mental benefits of cycling too? Yes, there’s a close relationship between cycling and the way your brain functions. It not only makes your brain happier but physiologically stronger too… It Improves Blood Flow To The Brain Exercise in the form of cycling can improve blood flow to the brain leading to […]

Can You Get Smooth Skin With Caffeine?

We are talking about the fourth most widely used drug in the world. And yep, we do owe a great debt to an Ethiopian goat herder Kaldi. He noticed his goats dancing around while high on coffee berries and the rest is history! These days caffeine has found its way beyond your favorite mug, as […]

Four Things To Do Today For Healthy Aging

A 55-year-old farmer appeared for the NEET exam! And hey, Manju Ji started her restaurant when she was 80. When we hear such norm-shattering news, it does make us think that age is really just a number, isn’t it?  And rightly so, as Betty Friedan, an American feminist writer once said, “Aging is not lost […]

How To Avoid Sugar In Your Children’s Diet

The tantrums were unbearable and you caved in. You feel a pang of guilt as you reluctantly give the chocolate to your baby who is threatening you with top-notch crying skills. As parents, we often battle with what’s right vs what’s convenient. We are well aware of the harmful effects of sugar and how it […]

How To Make Every Minute Of Your Day Count

How did that piping hot chai smell? Or hey, when was the last time you paused to enjoy the breathtaking hues of the sky?  It is exciting for us to induct you into the world of mindfulness, a practice rooted in Buddhism. When you live by the moment, fully aware of your thoughts and bodily […]