Can You Get Smooth Skin With Caffeine?

We are talking about the fourth most widely used drug in the world. And yep, we do owe a great debt to an Ethiopian goat herder Kaldi. He noticed his goats dancing around while high on coffee berries and the rest is history! These days caffeine has found its way beyond your favorite mug, as […]

Four Things To Do Today For Healthy Aging

A 55-year-old farmer appeared for the NEET exam! And hey, Manju Ji started her restaurant when she was 80. When we hear such norm-shattering news, it does make us think that age is really just a number, isn’t it?  And rightly so, as Betty Friedan, an American feminist writer once said, “Aging is not lost […]

How To Avoid Sugar In Your Children’s Diet

The tantrums were unbearable and you caved in. You feel a pang of guilt as you reluctantly give the chocolate to your baby who is threatening you with top-notch crying skills. As parents, we often battle with what’s right vs what’s convenient. We are well aware of the harmful effects of sugar and how it […]

How To Make Every Minute Of Your Day Count

How did that piping hot chai smell? Or hey, when was the last time you paused to enjoy the breathtaking hues of the sky?  It is exciting for us to induct you into the world of mindfulness, a practice rooted in Buddhism. When you live by the moment, fully aware of your thoughts and bodily […]

One Easy Hack For Daily Productivity At Work

The cozy pillow popping from her company swag kit was an absolute delight.  My friend sensed my curiosity and excitedly explained how her company promotes daily siestas, how they have comfy sleep pods, and how even the calendars of employees are blocked from 2 to 2.30 pm as the “hours of common silences”.  Today’s workforce […]

How is Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission redefining India’s healthcare system

Universal health coverage may not be an impossible dream anymore. In its effort to achieve quality and affordable healthcare for all, the Government of India initiated the Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Mission in 2019. As a part of ABDM the government of India aims at creating an integrated, digital health infrastructure of the country.How […]

India’s Digital Health Mission

The digitisation of healthcare has given birth to numerous tools and resources that greatly improve healthcare services. These include software that makes health information more accessible to patients and keeps patient data secure in one place. Coming are the days to bid adieu to the process when people had to wait for a phone call […]

Boosting Your Child’s Immune System

To most parents, signs such as running noses, recurrent flu, gastrointestinal bugs, constant colds among others seem normal or are just par for the course of children’s’ attending day care or school. What they fail to recognize is, not all children get sick, or get runny noses, or even contract gastrointestinal bugs. It is important […]

Understanding Your Sleep Cycles


We have often come across the adage, “Early to bed and early to rise makes us healthy, wealthy and wise”. The idea that a good sleep cycle ensures a healthy mind and a healthy body is proven.  Studies suggest that children and teenagers need approximately 9-10 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night, whereas adults require […]