Foods to Avoid For Gallbladder Stone Pain Relief
Foods to Avoid For Gallbladder Stone Pain Relief Gallbladder stone discomfort often requires dietary adjustments to reduce pain and prevent the formation of new stones. Wondering what gallbladder exactly is? It is the organ that contains bile. Bile, which is composed of water, cholesterol, fat protein and fat salts, helps you digest fat. Gallbladder stones […]
10 Questions To Ask Your Surgeon Before a Surgery
10 Questions To Ask Your Surgeon Before a Surgery If you or your family member has been advised to undergo surgery for a certain health condition, the word ‘surgery’ could be enough to scare you, but knowing more about it can help you feel better and make things go smoothly. Before the surgery, it’s important […]
5 Health Benefits of Blood Donation
5 Health Benefits of Blood Donation Someone needs blood every two seconds and one donation can help save multiple lives. However, donating blood can have personal health benefits for you as well. Don’t believe us? Here are five benefits you should know about. Reduces Iron Overload Regular blood donation helps reduce excessive iron accumulation in […]