The Truth About Fitness For Life

5,20,00,00,000 results in 0.61 seconds. That’s the number of articles you will find on Google when you search for fitness, and let’s not even get started with the slew of fitness apps available in the market.  When it comes to crushing those fitness goals, have you wondered why some of us are razor focused with […]

How To Make Sense of Your Dreams

I jumped off the plane for a 14000 feet dive. That very moment I jolted awake from the dream and took a few minutes to stabilize. Fast forward, next day, the Sigmund Freud in me decided to backtrack why I had this crazy dream considering I’m anything but an adventure junkie. However, I ended up […]

The Physiology of Anger

What takes place inside your body when you lose your temper? In the wide spectrum of emotions we experience, anger features prominently amongst the lot. While we’ve all experienced this emotion, the degree in which we feel it and the way in which we handle it differ. Some of us might show physical signs such […]